Parroquia San Maximiliano Kolbe

OCIA (antes llamada RCIA


RCIA is now OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Are you:

+ Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?

+A non-baptized person considering beco ming Catholic?

+ A baptized Christian from another faith community interested in becoming Catholic?

+ A baptized Catholic who has not yet received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion and who desires to complete the Sacraments of Initiation?

If so, you are invited to learn more about the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

Questions?  Contact the parish office, 609-390-0664.



OCIA Syllabus 2024-2025

Classes are held Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:00pm in Immaculata Hall

200 Tuckahoe Road, Marmora, NJ 08223

(*)-Indicates Class/Mass not scheduled on a Tuesday


January 7            Sacrament of Initiation-Baptism (C3)

January 14          Sacrament of Initiation-Confirmation (C4)

January 21          Sacrament of Initiation-Eucharist and Mass (C5)

January 28          Sacrament of Vocation-Marriage (C8)

February 4           Holy Orders (C9)

February 11         Sacrament of Healing-Reconciliation and Anointing

February 18         Church as Community (Q13)

February 25         Conversion-Lifelong Process (M1)

March 5*             Ash Wednesday-Mass Schedule-Times TBD

March 9*             Rite of Election-Location TBD (Diocesan Event led by Bishop)

March 11             Our Call to Holiness (M5)

March 18             Social Justice (C16)

March 25             Living the Virtues (M6)

April 1                 Lenten Penance Service at the Church of the Resurrection

April 8                 Tour of the Church

April 15               Rehearsal for Holy Saturday

April 17*             Holy Thursday-Mass of the Lord’s Supper

April 18*             Good Friday-Veneration of the Cross

April 19*             Holy Saturday-Easter Vigil

April 20*             Easter Sunday






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