Whether you are a newcomer, a visitor, or a long-time parishioner, we warmly welcome you to join us for Mass. Feel free to attend any of our Masses and be sure to greet us when you do!
Tuesday–Friday | 8:00am
Saturday | 4:00pm
Sunday | 8:00am, 10:00am
(also live streamed)
Saturday | 3:00pm
Other | By Appointment
First Friday | 8:30am to 1:00pm Benediction at closing
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Are you:
+ Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?
+A non-baptized person considering beco ming Catholic?
+ A baptized Christian from another faith community interested in becoming Catholic?
+ A baptized Catholic who has not yet received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion and who desires to complete the Sacraments of Initiation?
If so, you are invited to learn more about the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
OCIA will resume again in the Fall 2025.
Questions? Contact the parish office, 609-390-0664.
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