
Parish Group/Organizations/Ministries

Ministries, Groups and Organizations in Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish invites parishioners of all ages and with varied interests to review the following list of Parish Ministries, Groups and Organizations and to become an active parish member or volunteer.

If you are interested in joining a Parish Ministry, Group or Organization, we ask you to contact the office staff at 609-390-0664.
We will ensure that a contact person is informed of your interest.


1st Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Contact Deb, 484-883-8905.

 Altar Servers

“When kids volunteer it tells others that they don’t have to be perfect or famous or even grown up to make a difference.” Kalynn Dobos, age 7

Contact: Cathy  in the Parish Office, 609-390-0664, to set an appointment with Father Piotr if you would like to be an Altar Server.

Anointing of the Sick

Contact Parish Office, 609-390-0664.


Are held at Church of the Resurrection on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Noon. Saint Casimir Church is by appointment, Contact Cathy, 609-390-0664.

Bible Study

Monday Evening Bible Study

In our Scripture study/ discussion group, we gain insight from each other for better understanding of what God’s Holy Word meant to those who heard it originally and what it means for us today. We read Scripture in the literal sense as the human author intended both in their setting and to the intended recipients. This includes understanding Scripture in the literary form whether (for example) poetry, narrative, letter, parable or apocalyptic vision. We also read Scripture in the spiritual sense to ascertain what the Holy Spirit says to us.  Our group meets almost every Monday at 6:30pm. The meetings last 1 1/2 hours. If you are interested, call Bill at 609-624-3978 or email him at or call Dianne at 609-287-3521 or email her at

Bulletin Submissions

Due one week in advance of date when the announcement will run. Contact Helen in the parish office at 609-390-0664.

Charismatic Prayer Group - Life in the Spirit

Meets every Tuesday, 10:30 - noon, Church of the Resurrection classroom  #3. 

Church Decorating Committee

Contact Parish Office, 609-390-0664.


Sacrament of Confirmation is held at Church of the Resurrection once a year please contact, PREP Director, Agnes, 609-390-2203 for more information.

Creation Care Team

Contact Ann, 609-425-2035

Divine Mercy Prayer Group

Meets every Wednesday, 3:00pm, Church of the Resurrection (in church), Marmora. 

Meets every Monday, 3:00 pm, St. Casimir Church. 

How to Recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet Prayer

Divine Mercy Sunday Novena (Novena is prayed from Good Friday until Divine Mercy Sunday)

Eucharistic Ministers \ Lectors

 We thank you for prayerfully considering our Lord’s call to serve in His Name  
Eucharistic Ministers are trained lay ministers with a deep understanding of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine. Eucharistic Ministers share the Body and Blood of Christ with the community of parishioners united by a common faith. They assist the priest in distributing the body and Blood of Christ during Mass and by taking the body and blood into the community to those not able to be in church. Through their service, members strive to fulfill the Lord’s command to Peter, “Feed my sheep.” John 21:17

 “Go out to all the world and proclaim the Good News.” Mark 16:15  
The Lector/Reader is responsible for reading aloud excerpts of the scripture during the liturgy. From the very beginning, Christians have gathered together to hear the word of God, and, from the very beginning, there have been individuals entrusted with the task of reading the word.

Please contact Cathy at the office for more information 609-390-0664.

First Eucharist

Sacrament of First Eucharist is held at Church of the Resurrection once a year, please contact PREP Director, Agnes, 609-390-0664 for more information.

Food Pantry

All donations are gratefully accepted. Any non expired food items would be greatly appreciated! 

Church of the Resurrection Food Pantry

A cart will be set up at the entrance to the Church of the Resurrection from,  9-3pm, Monday-Thursday, and 9:am-12:00pm on Fridays. Please drop your donations during these times.

The pantry is open to  Upper Township families from 2-5pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Please remain in your cars and we will have people to help you. 

The needs for the week are: Cereal

Saint Casimir Church Food Pantry   

Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 9:00am-12:00pm to  Woodbine and Dennis Township families.

The needs for the week are paper towels, toilet paper, laundry soap, dish soap, crackers, Ensure & Boost (liquid) and any type of protein powder.

Saint Casimir Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop will be following this schedule: Tuesday-Saturday, 9:00-1:00pm. There is a current need of infant and children clothing.

If you need to reach the Food Pantry and the Thrift Shop please call 609-861-5992.

Gift Card Sales

You may purchase gift cards to various local retail stores to assist the parish. With each purchase of a gift card, the parish received 5% to 10% of the value. Sales are done in the parish office or after Mass on the weekends in the gathering area.


Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration

1st Friday from 9:00am-1:00pm. Contact the Parish Office at 609-390-0664.

Holy Orders

Contact the office at 609-390-0664.


Home bound Visits

Contact the Parish Office at 609-390-0664.


Hospitality Committee

“No one cares what you know, unless they know that you care.”

Members meet as needed to graciously serve parish gatherings, enhancing these functions with food and fellowship.

Contact Trish, 609-703-9126.


Knights of Columbus

 …Being a man or a woman who makes a difference is a matter of choice. Byron Garrett

 Monsignor James J. Zegers, Resurrection Council 9113 – Contact:  Bob, Meeting – 2nd Wednesday/mo, 7:30 pm Resurrection Church, Dbl. Classroom.

Women’s Auxiliary, Council 9113 – Contact: Jacquie at 732-691-1192, Meeting. – 2nd Wednesday/mo – 7:00 pm Resurrection Church, Rm. 6.


Contact Cathy at 609-390-0664.


Legion of Mary

Contact the Parish Office.

 Life & Justice Ministry

 For more information contact Joe at 609-602-6606.


Marriage Prep

1 year in advance to date of wedding, contact Cathy at 609-390-0664 to set up an appointment.


Meditation on First Friday's also Weekly during Advent & Lent

Church of the Resurrection, 1:15pm- 2:15pm, Classroom #7. All are invited to join with us in Silent Prayer. Call Deb 484-883-8905 if you have any questions.


Miraculous Medal Novena

Tuesday mornings at Church of the Resurrection following the 8:30 am Mass.


Music Ministry

  • Adult Choir  - The adult choir rehearsals twice a month and plays twice a month for one Sunday 9:30 am Mass and one Sunday 11:00 am Mass.To join the choir or if you have any questions please contact Debbie at 609-703-8373 or email   
  • Children's Youth    Choir  - The Children sing on the third Sunday at the 9:30 am Mass, Ms. Judi  rehearses  twice a month, to join or if you have any questions, please call Ms. Judi 609-617-3335.
  •   If you play an  Instrument  and wish to be involved in our music ministry please contact the Parish Office, 609-390-0664. 


Nar-Anon Family Group

Nar-Anon Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by someone else’s addiction. As a twelve step program, we offer our help by sharing our experience, strength and hope.Contact Shelly at


Parish Nurses

“Being good is commendable, but when combined with doing good, it is useful.”  
Parish Nurses provide care of mind, body and spirit by offering screening, education and assistance for our parish community. Nurses and volunteer lay persons are invited to join.

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the Month in the double classroom at 6:00 pm.  For further information Call Gretchen at 610-416-9816.


Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)

Consider being a catechist or aide for Religious Education. The only requirements are a love of your faith and children, and a willingness to share your faith with our Parish children. You do not have to be a teacher by profession. The Religious Education Office will train you and offer support throughout the year. Please contact Agnes, at 609-390-2203 for further information.


Parish 12 Step Program ~ AA

Resurrection Church, Marmora 

Meetings for AA are held every Thursday Night at 7:30 pm, Double Classroom.


Saint Casimir Church, Woodbine   

Meetings for AA are held in the St. Joseph’s Building

Every Monday at 10:00 am

Every Thursday at 5:30 pm Women Group

Every Friday at 6:00 pm


Pastoral Council

2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, Immaculata Hall, contact Parish Office 609-390-0664.


Pastoral Financial Council

Quarterly meetings in Immaculata Hall at 6:00 pm, contact Fr. Piotr 609-390-0664.


Prayer Shawls

3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Church of the Resurrection, contact Veronica 609-390-1353. 


Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Making

2nd Thursday of the month, 4:30 pm, contact Agnes 609-390-2203.


Praying for our Adult Sons and Daughters

3rd Wednesday, Church of the Resurrection, 6:30pm, double classroom, contact Debbie, 609-214-5713.



Saturdays at 3:00pm  at Church of the Resurrection   by appointment.


Respect for Life Ministry

Every person is made by God in His image and should be protected and cherished from conception to natural death. We will actively promote respect for life within the Parish and create a culture of life. To this end, we will provide resources to parishioners on life issues and help make pro-life prayer and activities an important part of parish life in a visible and viable way. For more information, contact Dianne at 609-287-3521 or email:

Rite (Order) of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

Contact the office at 609-390-0664.


Recited  Monday – Friday 8:00 am before Mass at Resurrection Church.

Rosary Prayer Group

Tuesday, 7:00 pm, Church of the Resurrection Extension.Contact Maddy: 609-408-8752

Safe Environment

Contact Agnes at 609-390-2203.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Thrift Shop

This Thrift Shop is located in Woodbine and is open Tuesday – Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, the food pantry is open 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. For more information call 609-861-5992.


Saint Maximilian's Helpers

 A newer all-purpose helping hands ministry, providing services like transportation, friendly visits, occasional meals, help with grocery shopping and errands, respite for caregivers, nursing home visits, telephone wellness checks, etc. We serve adult parishioners of all ages (18+) and all life stages throughout the entire parish, from Beesley’s Point to Belleplain. Parishioners who would like some help simply need to call and request assistance. We will try our very best to match a volunteer to the need. For assistance, please call Lisa at 609-861-0198. For transportation requests, several day’s notice is needed. More volunteers are gladly welcomed. There are no meetings to attend since we stay in touch by phone and email. Questions? Please call Lisa at 609-861-0198. We look forward to hearing from you!


Saint Maximilian's Mosaic

4th Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Church of the Resurrection, contact Janice 609-602-3858.


 Saint Vincent de Paul Society

In the Gospel today, Jesus says “  Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” 

When we help the poor, we are truly followers of  Jesus,   servant of the poor. And now, the need is truly intense.  Many neighbors are struggling to get full week’s work and manage the health impacts due to COVID.  We have served our neighbors in rent, utilities, transportation, and infant supplies.  In the past two months, over $4500 has been disbursed in your name!  We thank you for your generosity, through which you have been the servant of the poor.

By placing a gift in the Poor Box for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you will give a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering, and you will inspire them with Easter hope and joy. 

You can share in the role as “servant of the poor” ministry by calling 609-938-6553.  We welcome the many talents you can muster!

Meetings, 1st Wednesday/month 6:00 pm 
Classroom area, Resurrection Church

To contact St. Vincent DePaul Society please call 609-938-6553. Leave your name, phone number and short message explain why you are contacting them.



The Usher ministry is the oldest lay ministry in the Catholic Church. Along with Greeters, Ushers welcome parishioners to Mass.  Additionally, they help people find seating, assist with the Collection, designate someone to carry the offertory gifts, distribute Bulletins, help during the Holy Communion procession, assist in preparing the Church for the next Mass and assist in times of emergencies.

Ushers are vital to helping people feel comfortable and  welcome at Mass.

Contact Parish Office 609-390-0664.

Women's Auxiliary Knights of Columbus 9113

Women’s Auxiliary, Council 9113 – Contact: Claire at 610-804-0341– Meeting 2nd Wednesday/mo – 7:00 pm Resurrection Church, Double Classroom.

To join the group please fill out the registration 

 Young Adult Ministry

 Serves our young adults ages 18-30. Our goal is to empower the young people to live as disciples of Christ. We connect you with your peers and the parish family to accompany you on your faith journey. We meet on Thursdays in Immaculata Hall. Want to know more? Contact Jonathan,



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